What is AWS?

What is AWS?? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon.  It provides a mix of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software as a service (SaaS) offerings.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the market leader in IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and Paas (Plat-form-as-a-Service) for cloud ecosystems, which can be combined to create a scalable cloud application without worrying about delays related to infrastructure provisioning (compute, storage, and network) and management.

With AWS you can select the specific solutions you need and only pay for exactly what you use, resulting in lower capital expenditure and faster time to value without sacrificing application performance or user experience.

Amazon Web Service is so large and present in the world of computing to an extent that it is at the moment at least multiple times the size of its nearest rival and hosts famous websites like Netflix, Instagram, and many others. Amazon Web Service is further broken down into twelve global regions, of which each has several availability zones in which its servers are situated.

The idea of having twelve global regions is to allow the users to set geographical limits on their services (should they choose to) and also a security provision hence diversifying the physical locations in which data is held. The idea of having a centralized virtual data storage center helps cut costs for most companies by the fact of doing away with physical computing services. This is exactly what Amazon Web Services aims to do and so far has been quite successful.

Amazon Web Services does offer great cloud computing services which by extension come in handy for most users since they can remotely access their cloud data at their convenience. Unlike some servers, Amazon Web Services is easily managed through nothing but just a few clicks. Actually, Amazon Web Services is just like VMWare or VirtualBox. Amazon Web Services can create new Operating Systems (OS) from the very same old machine.

One of the most attractive features of Amazon Web Services is its unlimited operating system creation. Users can keep building as many as they can because available IT resources here are monolithic. If you can afford the Amazon Web Services fee, you are welcome to develop as many new versions of Windows or Linux as you may want.