AngularJS Internationalization
AngularJS Internationalization: In AngularJS, three types of filters are supported for the purpose of internationalization. These include the date, currency, and numbers. To do this, one only needs to incorporate …
AngularJS Internationalization: In AngularJS, three types of filters are supported for the purpose of internationalization. These include the date, currency, and numbers. To do this, one only needs to incorporate …
AngularJS Services: AngularJS uses individualized objects called services to perform specialized tasks. Filters and controllers rely on services on an as-needed basis. Services typically use the dependency injection mechanism. There …
AngularJS Scope: The scope syncs the HTML and the JavaScript. This is an object with the accessible properties and methods. It is accessible to both the view and the controller, …
Validations in AngularJS: With Angular controls and forms, the input can be validated. This means that they offer the user’s validation services and are capable of notifying the users in …
AngularJS Dependency Injection: The best feature in Angular JS is the Dependency Injection. It is the software design pattern that objects are passed as dependencies. It also helps to remove …
AngularJS Forms: The forms in AngularJS are used for validation of input controls and help with data-binding and. When a form object is found by the AngularJS compiler, the compiler …
AngularJS HTML DOM Elements: Angular JS has directives that bind application data to the attribute of HTML DOM elements. Directives to bind data to HTML DOM Elements Table The following …
AngularJS Routing (ng-route): The ngRoute module allows you to navigate to different parts of your application without the page having to reload. You can use the ngRoute module to route …
AngularJS Animations (ng-animate): In angularjs, the ngAnimate module is used to specify the CSS animation transition effect to the elements while performing events like show/hide or fade in/fade out, etc. …
AngularJS Twitter Bootstrap: Bootstrap is very popular when it comes to styling applications. In this chapter, we will discuss how this can be used together with the AngularJS. For Bootstrap …
AngularJS SQL: A database is very useful when it comes to the creation of website applications. It enables us to store our data in it, and then be in a …
AngularJS Ajax Call: To get access to data in your web applications, the client must make requests to remote servers. With JavaScript, these are called AJAX requests. Using $http service, …
AngularJS Global API This is made up of a group of global Javascript functions that can be used for the purpose of performing tasks such as. Iterating objects Comparing objects …
AngularJS Event Handlers: Events directives signal the application to respond to changes in the environment. Some of the changes may be user-initiated, others may be automated program functions. The following …
AngularJS Tables: Most of you are aware of how to work with tables in AngularJS. Consider the example given below which shows how a simple table can be displayed. AngularJS …
AngularJS Custom Directives: The AngularJS allows creating custom directives that make it easy for DOM manipulation. The HTML functionality is extended by these directives and also allows to create new …
AngularJS Controller: A Controller is an object that manages other objects in the app. The controller does not know specifics about the object it controls, however it knows how to …
AngularJS Module: Everything in your AngularJS app is contained inside of a module. They are used to hold onto controllers and other relevant codes about our application. Placing code inside …
AngularJS Filters: Filters format data in the application. AngularJS includes several filters to transform data and that are listed below. AngularJS Filters orderBy- Orders arrays. currency- Format numbers to currency. …
AngularJS ng-Submit Directive: The ng-submit directive is used to binds the angular JS expressions to submit events. It just prevents the default actions only if the form does not contain …
AngularJS ng-include Directive: The ng-include Directive in angular JS is used to compile and include one HTML page to another HTML page. In HTML we cant include one HTML page …
AngularJS ng-view: Angular JS View is the place where the content is displayed for the user. Based on the user request, the ng-view in Angular JS will display the content …
AngularJS ng-model (Select): This directive syncs the value of HTML controls to the data. The directive “ng-model” enables you to tie an input value to a variable created in your …
AngularJS ng-repeat Directive: The ng-repeat directive in AngularJS allows us to repeat an element or a template once for each item in a collection passed to it. In this topic, …
AngularJS Directives: Directives help to bring Angular JS applications to life. Directives are used to create original syntax, and each begins with the prefix “ng”-(which stands for Angular). A directive …
AngularJS Expressions: AngularJS includes the ability to place data expressions inside of HTML elements. AngularJS evaluates expressions and dynamically projects the result to a client’s view. Since expressions are tied …
Data Binding in AngularJS: Integrated data binding is perhaps the most popular feature of AngularJS. Data binding is the synchronization between the view and the data model. The data binding …
What is AngularJS MVC Architecture?: The benefit of MVC architecture is that it separates the application logic from the user interface and compartmentalizes concerns. The controller obtains application requests and …
AngularJS Environment Setup: We need the following tools to set up a development environment for AngularJS. Requirements of AngularJS Installation In order to work along with this tutorial, you will …
What is AngularJS?: AngularJS is a very useful Javascript library. It is normally used in projects referred to as “Single Page Application (SPA)”. It works by extending the HTML DOM …