Swap Two Numbers Using Bitwise Operator Program in Java

In Java, there exist multiple approaches to swap the values of two numbers. Typically, we can utilize the swap() method provided by the Math class or employ a temporary variable as an intermediary step to exchange the values. In addition to these conventional methods, another way to swap two numbers is by utilizing the bitwise XOR operator (^) or by using division and multiplication operations.

In this section, our focus will be on developing a Java program that swaps two numbers using the bitwise XOR operator (^).

Using Bitwise Operator

The bitwise XOR operator, denoted by the symbol (^), is a commonly used technique for swapping two numbers. It operates by comparing the bits of two operands and returns 0 (false) if the bits are equal, and 1 (true) if they are not equal. The truth table for the XOR operator is as follows:

To swap two numbers without using the swap() method or a third variable in Java, we can utilize the bitwise XOR operator. The following steps outline the process:

  1. Convert the given variables, X and Y, into their binary equivalents.
  2. Compute the XOR of X and Y and store the result in X, i.e., X = X ^ Y.
  3. Once again, calculate the XOR of X and Y and assign the result to Y, i.e., Y = X ^ Y.
  4. Finally, calculate the XOR of X and Y and store the result in X, i.e., X = X ^ Y.
  5. By completing these steps, the values of X and Y will be swapped.

Example: Swap the variables X = 5 and Y = 9 using the bitwise operator.


Step 1: Binary equivalent of the variables X and Y are:

X = 5 = 0101 and Y = 9 = 1001

Step 2: Find X = X ^ Y.

Step 3: Find Y = X ^ Y.

Step 4: Find X = X ^ Y.

After completing these steps, the values of X and Y have been successfully swapped. So, X now holds the value 9, and Y holds the value 5.

X = 9 and Y = 5


import java.util.Scanner;  
public class SwapTwoNumbersExample  
public static void main(String args[])  
int a, b;  
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);  
System.out.print("Enter the first number: ");  
a = scanner.nextInt();  
System.out.print("Enter the second number: ");  
b = scanner.nextInt();  
System.out.println("Before swapping:");  
System.out.println("a = " +a +", b = " +b);  
a = a ^ b;  
b = a ^ b;  
a = a ^ b;  
System.out.println("After swapping:");  
System.out.print("a = " +a +", b = " +b);  


Enter the first number: 5
Enter the second number: 9
Before swapping:
a = 5, b = 9
After swapping:
a = 9, b = 5


public class SwapTwoNumbersExample1  
static void swapNumbers(int x, int y)  
System.out.println("Before swapping");      
System.out.println("x= " + x + ", y= " + y);  
x = x ^ y;  
y = x ^ y;  
x = x ^ y;  
System.out.println("After swapping");  
System.out.println("x= " + x + ", y= " + y);  
public static void main(String[] args)   
int x = 12;  
int y= 34;  


Before swapping
x= 12, y= 34
After swapping
x= 34, y= 12

Using Multiplication and Division


public class SwapTwoNumbersExample2  
public static void main(String args[])  
int x = 10;  
int y = 20;  
System.out.println("values before swapping:");   
System.out.println("x = " + x +" y = " + y);  
//swapping two numbers using multiplication and division  
x = x*y; //now x is 200   
y = x/y; //now x is 200 and y is 20, on dividing x/y is y=10 (original value of x)  
x = x/y; //now x is 200 and y is 10, on dividing x/y is x=20 (original value of y)  
System.out.println("values after swapping:");  
System.out.println("x = " + x +" y = " + y);  


values before swapping:
x = 10 y = 20
values after swapping:
x = 20 y = 10

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