Software Requirement Specification

Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is a critical stage in software engineering that serves as the foundation for software development. It is a comprehensive document that outlines the functional and non-functional requirements for a software system, defining what the system should do and how it should behave under various conditions.

SRS acts as a communication bridge between software developers and stakeholders, such as clients, end-users, and project managers, ensuring that all parties understand the scope and expectations of the software system. In this way, SRS plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of software projects, providing a clear direction for the development team, and reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Characteristics of Good SRS Document

Characteristics of Good SRS

To ensure that a software system is developed to meet the needs and requirements of its intended users, it is essential to have a clear and accurate Software Requirement Specification (SRS).

  • Correctness – One of the key aspects of an SRS is its correctness, which is primarily determined by the extent to which it accurately captures all the necessary needs and requirements of the system. User reviews play a critical role in verifying the correctness of the SRS, and are used to ensure that the system is developed in line with the users’ expectations. A well-written and comprehensive SRS can serve as the foundation for developing high-quality software that meets the needs and expectations of its users.
  • Completeness – To ensure that the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) provides a comprehensive understanding of the system, it is essential to ensure that it is complete. This means that the SRS should incorporate all of the necessary elements, including functional and performance requirements, design and interface constraints, and external interfaces. In addition, the SRS should define how the software responds to all types of input data in all potential situations. To provide a clear and concise document, it is also important to include references to all diagrams and tables used and provide definitions for any technical terms or units of measure used in the SRS.
  • Consistency – The SRS’s consistency is crucial in ensuring that no individual requirement contradicts another. Conflicts in the SRS can occur in three ways.
    • The first type of conflict occurs when the characteristics of real-world objects conflict. For instance, the format of an output report may be described as tabular in one requirement and textual in another.
    • The second type of conflict is a reasonable or temporal conflict between two specified actions. For example, one requirement may require that the program adds two inputs, while another requirement may require that the program multiplies them.
    • The third type of conflict occurs when two or more requirements define the same real-world object but use different terms.
    • To promote consistency, the use of standard terminology and descriptions is recommended.
  • Unambiguousness – To achieve unambiguousness, it is essential that each requirement in the SRS has only one possible interpretation. The requirements report should be clear and easy to understand, even in cases where a term may have multiple definitions. The SRS should define each term precisely and indicate its implications to ensure that it is interpreted uniquely.
  • Ranking for Importance – To differentiate the significance and stability of requirements, the SRS employs a ranking system in which each requirement is assigned an identifier. Not all requirements are equally important, with some being more critical than others, particularly for life-critical applications. Therefore, the ranking system allows for the identification of such differences to be clear and explicit. Additionally, classifying requirements as essential, conditional, and optional is another way to rank them. By doing so, it is easier to prioritize the most important requirements and allocate the available resources accordingly.
  • Modifiability – To ensure flexibility, the SRS should be designed to be easily modified to accommodate changes to the system. The document should be well-organized, with clear indexing and cross-referencing, to enable quick and accurate modifications. This will enable the SRS to be updated as the project evolves and changes occur, ensuring that it remains an accurate and relevant reflection of the system’s requirements.
  • Verifiability – To ensure that the final software product meets the specified requirements, the SRS must be verifiable through cost-effective verification techniques. The verification process can involve reviews to confirm that the requirements have been properly specified and that the final software product meets those requirements. By utilizing these techniques, the SRS can be considered correct and effective in guiding the development of software that meets the desired requirements.
  • Traceability – To ensure that future development or enhancements can be accurately traced back to their original requirements, it is essential that the origin of each requirement is clear in the SRS, and that each condition is easily referenced. The SRS is considered traceable if it contains a comprehensive record of the source of each requirement, which helps in managing any changes or enhancements to the software system throughout its lifecycle. This can help ensure that the system evolves according to the original specifications and requirements and that any changes made are documented and accounted for.
  • Design Independence – To ensure the flexibility and feasibility of the final product, the SRS should be designed to enable the selection of multiple design alternatives. This means that the SRS must not contain any specific implementation details that would limit the available design choices. By maintaining design independence, the SRS allows for a more comprehensive exploration of various design possibilities, resulting in a more optimized and effective final product.
  • Testability – The quality attribute of testability requires that the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) be composed in a way that makes it easy to generate test cases and test plans from the document. This ensures that the requirements can be thoroughly tested and that the resulting software meets the specified requirements.
  • Understandable by Customer – Ensuring that the customer can understand the software requirement specification (SRS) is crucial as the end-user may not have a background in computer science, even if they are experts in their specific domain. Therefore, it is essential to minimize the use of formal notations and symbols as much as possible and use clear, simple language that can be easily understood.
  • Right Level of Abstraction – The appropriate level of abstraction in the SRS depends on its purpose. If the SRS is being written for the requirements stage, then the details should be explained explicitly. However, if it is being written for a feasibility study, then fewer analyses may be needed. In other words, the level of abstraction should be adjusted based on the specific objective of the SRS.

SRS Document Format

Here are some points to consider when creating a good SRS document structure:

  • Introduction: This is where the purpose and scope of the SRS document is defined. It is also used to provide a summary of the requirements for the software being developed.
  • General Description: This section provides an overview of the software being developed. It includes the main features and functions of the software as well as any constraints that may exist.
  • Functional Requirements: This section defines the features and functionality that the software is required to perform. It is usually the largest section in the SRS document.
  • Interface Requirements: This section defines the interfaces between the software and other systems or hardware. It includes requirements for data input and output, communication protocols, and hardware interfaces.
  • Performance Requirements: This section defines the performance characteristics that the software is required to meet. This may include response time, processing speed, and memory usage.
  • Design Constraints: This section defines any design constraints that may exist, such as specific programming languages, hardware or software requirements, and design methodologies.
  • Non-Functional Attributes: This section defines any non-functional requirements that may exist, such as usability, reliability, maintainability, and security.
  • Preliminary Schedule and Budget: This section provides an estimate of the schedule and budget for the development of the software.
  • Appendices: This section includes any additional information that may be useful, such as glossaries, reference materials, and user manuals.
  • Software Requirement: This is the section that includes all of the software requirements that have been identified during the requirements-gathering process. This is the most important section of the SRS document and it is used as the basis for the software development process.

Properties of Good SRS Document

  • Concise: The SRS report should be concise and avoid verbose and irrelevant descriptions that decrease readability and increase the possibility of errors.
  • Conceptual integrity: The SRS document should show conceptual integrity, making it easy for the reader to understand.
  • Verifiable: All requirements in the SRS document should be correct, and it should be possible to determine whether the requirements have been met in an implementation.
  • Structured: The document should be well-structured to make it easy to understand and modify, as user requirements may evolve over time.
  • Black-box view: The SRS document should define only what the system should do, not how to do it. It should view the system as a black box and define the externally visible behavior of the system.
  • Response to undesired events: The document should define acceptable responses to exceptional conditions.

We have made sure to equip this article with complete information about the Software Requirement Specification (SRS). Hope you have got information about what Software Requirement Specification is and what format to follow while preparing a Software Requirement Specifications Document. For more such articles follow our @