Rapid Application Development Model (RAD)

Rapid Application Development Model in Software Engineering

First introduced by IBM in the 1980s was the rapid application development model. The use of effective production tools and strategies is a core aspect of this model.

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model is a linear sequential software development process that emphasizes a concise development cycle utilizing an element-based construction approach. This model is best suited for projects with well-defined and understood requirements and limited project scope. By implementing the RAD process, development teams can create a fully functional system within a short timeframe.

RAD Model

SDLC RAD Model Phases

  • Business Modelling – During the Business Modeling phase, the primary task is to determine the information flow among various business functions by answering fundamental questions related to the source of data that drives the business process, where the generated data comes from, its destination, the individuals involved in the processing of this data, and other pertinent details. This step is crucial to establish a clear understanding of the business operations and the interdependence of its functions.
  • Data Modeling is a phase where data collected from business modeling is transformed into a set of data objects, or entities, that are essential to support business activities. During this phase, the attributes of each entity are identified, and the relationship between these data objects is defined. This process helps to ensure that the data can be effectively utilized by the software application being developed.
  • Process Modeling involves transforming the information objects defined in the data modeling phase to facilitate the required data flow for executing a business function. To enable the addition, modification, deletion, or retrieval of a data object, processing descriptions are generated.
  • Application Generation In the application generation phase, developers employ automated tools to streamline the software construction process. These tools may leverage fourth generation language (4GL) techniques to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • Testing & Turnover – The testing and turnover phase involves the evaluation of programming components, many of which have already undergone testing due to the emphasis on reuse in rapid application development (RAD). As a result, the overall testing time is reduced. However, any new components must be thoroughly tested, and all interfaces must be fully exercised to ensure optimal performance.

When the Rapid Application Development Model is Used?

  • When there is a need to complete a project within a short timeframe of 2-3 months and modularization is required.
  • When the technical risks associated with the project are limited and can be easily managed.
  • The RAD model should only be utilized if the project budget permits the use of automated code generating tools.
  • When the project requirements are clearly defined and well-understood.
  • When there is a need to develop a modularized system within a timeframe of 2-3 months.

Advantages of RAD Model

  • The RAD model is highly flexible and can easily accommodate changes throughout the development process.
  • Each phase of RAD focuses on delivering the highest priority functionalities to the customer.
  • The RAD model emphasizes the reusability of features, which can increase efficiency and productivity in future development projects.
  • Changes can be readily adopted and implemented in the RAD model.
  • The RAD model significantly reduces development time compared to traditional models.

Disadvantages of RAD Model

  • The RAD model requires highly skilled designers to effectively implement the process.
  • The RAD model demands significant user involvement, which can be challenging to maintain throughout the project’s lifecycle.
  • The RAD model may not be suitable for smaller projects as it can be challenging to justify the costs associated with using the model.
  • Not all applications are compatible with the RAD model, as it is primarily suited for specific types of software projects.
  • The RAD model may not be appropriate for high technical risk projects as it may lead to quality and reliability issues.

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