Classification of Software

The platform is widely used in a variety of industries, including hospitals, banks, colleges, defense, banking, and financial markets. It can be divided into several types, go through the below sections to get the Various Classification of Software details.

Based on Application:

1. System Software –

System software is expected to control computing resources and facilitate application program execution. This section covered operating systems, compilers, editors, and drivers, among other items. These are needed for the operation of a computer. Operating systems are used to link a program’s computer-dependent requirements to the functionality of the machine on which it operates. Compilers convert high-level programming languages into machine language.

2. Networking and Web Applications Software –

Computer networking software provides the requisite resources for computers to connect with data storage facilities. When software is running on a network of machines, networking software is still used (such as World Wide Web). It comprises network administration software, server software, authentication and encryption software, and web-based application development apps such as HTML, PHP, and XML, among other things.

3. Embedded Software –

This type of software is integrated into the hardware, typically in Read-Only Memory (ROM), as part of a broader device, and is used to support particular functions under managed conditions. The technology used in instrumentation and control applications such as washing machines, satellites, microwaves, and so on is an example.

4. Reservation Software –

A reservation system is mainly used to store and retrieve information about air transport, car rentals, restaurants, and other events, as well as to execute transactions. They also give you access to bus and train reservations, but they aren’t always linked to the main scheme. These are also used in the hospitality industry to transmit computerized information to visitors, such as making a reservation and ensuring the hotel is not overbooked.

5. Business Software –

This type of software is used to support enterprise applications and is the most common type of software. Inventory management, accounting, banks, hospitals, colleges, financial exchanges, and other software are examples.

6. Entertainment Software –

Education and entertainment software is a valuable tool for educational organizations, especially those who work with young children. Computer games, instructional games, translating applications, navigation software, and other forms of entertainment software are available.

7. Artificial Intelligence Software –

Expert applications, decision support systems, pattern recognition software, artificial neural networks, and other types of software are included in this list. Complex problems are involved, and complex computations using non-numerical algorithms have little effect.

8. Scientific Software –

Science and engineering applications meet a scientific or technical user’s requirements for performing enterprise-specific tasks. Such software is created for particular implementations using industry-specific standards, methods, and formulae. Software such as MATLAB, AUTOCAD, PSPICE, ORCAD, and others are examples.

9. Utility Software –

This group includes applications that execute special tasks that vary in scale, expense, and difficulty from other software. Anti-virus applications, speech recognition software, compression systems, and other software are examples.

10. Document Management Software –

To eliminate paperwork, Document Management Software is used to track, maintain, and store records. These systems can keep track of all the various implementations produced and updated by different users (history tracking). Storage, versioning, metadata, authentication, as well as indexing, and retrieval are all standard features.

Based on Copyright:

1. Commercial –

Which comprises the vast amount of software that we buy from software providers, commercial machine shops, and other outlets. When a person buys software, they are given a license key that allows them to use it. It is not permitted for users to make copies of the software. The corporation owns the rights to the software.

2. Shareware –

Shareware software is still protected by copyright, but purchasers are permitted to produce and sell copies with the caveat that if the software is adopted for use without testing, the purchaser must pay for it. Software changes are not permitted in any of the above categories of software.

3. Freeware –

Shareware software is still protected by copyright, but purchasers are permitted to produce and sell copies with the caveat that if the software is adopted for use without testing, the purchaser must pay for it. Software changes are not permitted in any of the above categories of software.

4. Public Domain –

The original patent holder expressly relinquishes all rights to the software in the case of public domain software. As a result, backups of software will be made for both archival and delivery purposes, with no limitations on distribution. Reverse engineering and software modifications are also permitted.