Keith Number in Java

In this section, we will explore the concept of Keith numbers and develop Java programs to determine if a given number is a Keith number. Checking whether a number is a Keith number

What is Keith Number?

A positive number X with n digits is referred to as a Keith number or repfigit number. This classification arises from a unique number sequence that is generated using the digits of X. The sequence begins with the first n terms being the digits of X, while the subsequent terms are recursively calculated as the sum of the previous n terms. Examples of Keith numbers include 197, 19, 742, 1537, and so on.

Keith Number Example

Let’s determine if the number 742 is a Keith number or not.

First, we separate each digit of the number, which gives us 7, 4, and 2.

Next, we calculate the next term of the series by adding these digits together (7 + 4 + 2), resulting in 13.

The series now becomes 7, 4, 2, and 13.

To find the next term, we add the last three terms of the series (2 + 4 + 13), which gives us 19.

The series now becomes 7, 4, 2, 13, 19.

We continue this process, adding the last three terms each time, to generate the subsequent terms of the series.

Eventually, we reach the number 742 as a term of the series.

Since we have obtained the same number (742) as a term of the series, we can conclude that the given number, 742, is a Keith number.

By observing the previous example, we can note that to determine if a number is a Keith number, we need to calculate the terms of the series until we obtain the same number that we started with as a term of the series.

Let’s take another example.

Steps to Find Keith Number

To check if a given number (X) is a Keith number, follow these steps:

  • Read or initialize the number (X).
  • Separate each digit from the given number (X).
  • Add all the n-digits together to obtain the next term of the series.
  • Add the last n terms of the series to find the next term.
  • Repeat step 4 until we obtain a term that is the same as the original number we started with.

Keith Number Java Program

The logic behind identifying Keith numbers is relatively straightforward. We compute a series by adding the sum of the n previous numbers, where n is the number of digits in the input number. If, at any point, one of the computed numbers in the series matches the input number, it is considered a Keith number. The program terminates if the computed value exceeds the input number.

import java.util.*;  
class KeithNumberExample  
//user-defined function that checks if the given number is Keith or not  
static boolean isKeith(int x)  
//List stores all the digits of the X  
ArrayList<Integer> terms=new ArrayList<Integer>();  
//n denotes the number of digits   
int temp = x, n = 0;   
//executes until the condition becomes false  
while (temp > 0)  
//determines the last digit of the number and add it to the List      
//removes the last digit  
temp = temp/10;  
//increments the number of digits (n) by 1  
//reverse the List  
int next_term = 0, i = n;  
//finds next term for the series  
//loop executes until the condition returns true  
while (next_term < x)  
next_term = 0;  
//next term is the sum of previous n terms (it depends on number of digits the number has)  
for (int j=1; j<=n; j++)  
next_term = next_term + terms.get(i-j);  
//when the control comes out of the while loop, there will be two conditions:  
//either next_term will be equal to x or greater than x  
//if equal, the given number is Keith, else not  
return (next_term == x);  
//driver code  
public static void main(String[] args)  
//calling the user-defined method inside the if statement and print the result accordingly    
if (isKeith(19))  
System.out.println("Yes, the given number is a Keith number.");  
System.out.println("No, the given number is not a Keith number.");  
System.out.println("Yes, the given number is a Keith number.");  
System.out.println("No, the given number is not a Keith number.");  
System.out.println("Yes, the given number is a Keith number.");  
System.out.println("No, the given number is not a Keith number.");  


Yes, the given number is a Keith number.
Yes, the given number is a Keith number.
No, the given number is not a Keith number.

We will now develop a Java program to discover all the Keith numbers that have the same number of digits.

import java.util.Scanner;  
public class KeithNumberExample1  
public static void main(String args[])   
Scanner sc= new Scanner(;  
System.out.print("Enter the number of digits the series must have: ");   
//reads an integer as length of the number from the user  
int numlen = sc.nextInt();  
//checks if the length of the number is greater than 2 or not  
if (numlen < 2)   
//prints if the above condition returns false      
System.out.println("The number must have at least 2 digits.");  
//executes if the above condition returns true  
//calculates the lower bound from where the series starts  
long lowBound = (long) Math.pow(10, numlen - 1);  
//calculates the upper bound from where the series ends  
long upperBound = (long) Math.pow(10, numlen);  
for (long l = lowBound; l < upperBound; l++)   
if (isKeith(String.valueOf(l)))   
//prints all the Keith number between given range      
System.out.print(l + ", ");  
//function that checks whether the given number is Keith or not  
public static boolean isKeith(String input)   
int numlen = input.length();  
//keep track only the last three terms  
long[] series = new long[numlen];  
for (int i = 0; i < numlen; i++)   
series[i] = Long.valueOf(input.substring(i, i + 1));  
long next_term = 0;  
long number = Long.valueOf(input);  
while (next_term < number)   
next_term = 0;    
//calculates next term of the series  
for (int i = 0; i < numlen; i++)   
next_term = next_term + series[i];  
if (i < numlen - 1)   
//shift series to the left      
series[i] = series[i + 1];   
//add new value to the series      
series[i] = next_term;   
//compares the next term of the series with the number and returns boolean value accordingly  
if (next_term == number)   
return true;  
return false;  

Output 1:

Enter the number of digits the series must have: 5
31331, 34285, 34348, 55604, 62662, 86935, 93993,

Output 2:

Enter the number of digits the series must have: 2
14, 19, 28, 47, 61, 75,

In a similar manner, we can identify Keith numbers with d digits. The table below provides a summary of d-digit Keith numbers.

d d-digit Keith Numbers
2 14, 19, 28, 47, 61, 75
3 197, 742
4 1104, 1537, 2208, 2580, 3684, 4788, 7385, 7647, 7909
5 31331, 34285, 34348, 55604, 62662, 86935, 93993
6 120284, 129106, 147640, 156146, 174680, 183186, 298320, 355419, 694280, 925993
7 1084051, 7913837
8 11436171, 33445755, 44121607
9 129572008, 251133297
10 (none)
11 24769286411, 96189170155
12 171570159070, 202366307758, 239143607789, 296658839738
13 1934197506555, 8756963649152
14 43520999798747, 74596893730427, 97295849958669
15 120984833091531, 270585509032586, 754788753590897
16 3621344088074041, 3756915124022254, 4362827422508274
17 11812665388886672, 14508137312404344, 16402582054271374, 69953250322018194, 73583709853303061
18 119115440241433462, 166308721919462318, 301273478581322148
19 1362353777290081176, 3389041747878384662, 5710594497265802190, 5776750370944624064, 6195637556095764016
20 12763314479461384279, 27847652577905793413, 45419266414495601903
21 855191324330802397989
22 7657230882259548723593
23 26842994422637112523337, 36899277593852609997403, 61333853602129819189668
24 229146413136585558461227
25 9838678687915198599200604

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