Printing ASCII Value in Java

The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a 7-bit character set consisting of 128 characters ranging from 0 to 127. It assigns a numerical value to each character, representing its ASCII value. For example, the ASCII value of the character ‘A’ is 65.

In Java, there are two methods to print the ASCII value:

  • Assigning a Variable to the int Variable
  • Using Type-Casting

Assigning a Variable to the int Variable

In Java, the ASCII value of a character can be printed without using any specific method or class. Java automatically converts the character value to its corresponding ASCII value.

In the given program, the ASCII values of characters ‘a’ and ‘b’ are obtained by assigning them to integer variables asciivalue1 and asciivalue2, respectively. The ASCII values are then printed using System.out.println(). Here’s the rewritten content:

public class PrintAsciiValueExample   
public static void main(String[] args)   
// character whose ASCII value to be found  
char ch1 = 'a';  
char ch2 = 'b';  
// variable that stores the integer value of the character  
int asciivalue1 = ch1;  
int asciivalue2 = ch2;  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch1 + " is: " + asciivalue1);  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch2 + " is: " + asciivalue2);  


The ASCII value of a is: 97
The ASCII value of b is: 98

public class PrintAsciiValueExample1 
public static void main(String[] String)   
int ch1 = 'a';  
int ch2 = 'b';  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of a is: "+ch1);  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of b is: "+ch2);  


The ASCII value of a is: 97
The ASCII value of b is: 98

Similarly, we can print the ASCII value of other characters (A, B, C, …., Z) and symbols (!, @, $, *, etc.).

Using Type-Casting

Type-casting is a method used to convert a variable from one data type to another.

In the given program, variables ch1 and ch2 of type char are declared with the characters ‘a’ and ‘b’, respectively. The next two lines perform type-casting by converting the char type to int type using (int). This results in the conversion of ch1 and ch2 into int variables ascii1 and ascii2, respectively.

Finally, the values of ascii1 and ascii2 are printed, representing the ASCII values of the characters.

public class PrintAsciiValueExample2   
public static void main(String[] args)   
//characters whose ASCII value to be found  
char ch1 = 'a';  
char ch2 = 'b';  
//casting or converting a charter into int type  
int ascii1 = (int) ch1;  
int ascii2 = (int) ch2;  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch1 + " is: " + ascii1);  
System.out.println("The ASCII value of " + ch1 + " is: " + ascii2);  


The ASCII value of a is: 97
The ASCII value of b is: 98

If we want to obtain a character from the user instead of assigning it directly.

import java.util.Scanner;  
public class PrintAsciiValueExample3  
public static void main(String args[])  
System.out.print("Enter a character: ");  
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;  
char chr =;  
int asciiValue = chr;  
System.out.println("ASCII value of " +chr+ " is: "+asciiValue);  

Output 1:

Enter a character: P
ASCII value of P is: 80

Output 2:

Enter a character: G
ASCII value of G is: 71

The following program prints the ASCII value of all characters (0 to 255). Here, we have shown a few sample values in the output.

public class AsciiValueOfAllChracters  
public static void main(String[] args)   
for(int i = 0; i <= 255; i++)  
System.out.println(" The ASCII value of " + (char)i + "  =  " + i);  


The ASCII value of   =  0
The ASCII value of   =  1
The ASCII value of   =  2
The ASCII value of   =  3
The ASCII value of   =  4
The ASCII value of   =  5
The ASCII value of   =  6
The ASCII value of   =  7
The ASCII value of   =  8
The ASCII value of 	  =  9
The ASCII value of 
 =  10
The ASCII value of   =  11
The ASCII value of   =  12
The ASCII value of 
 =  13
The ASCII value of   =  14
The ASCII value of   =  15
The ASCII value of   =  16
The ASCII value of   =  17
The ASCII value of   =  18
The ASCII value of   =  19
The ASCII value of   =  20
The ASCII value of   =  21
The ASCII value of   =  22
The ASCII value of   =  23
The ASCII value of   =  24
The ASCII value of   =  25
The ASCII value of   =  26
The ASCII value of   =  27
The ASCII value of   =  28
The ASCII value of   =  29
The ASCII value of   =  30
The ASCII value of   =  31
The ASCII value of    =  32
The ASCII value of !  =  33
The ASCII value of "  =  34
The ASCII value of #  =  35
The ASCII value of $  =  36
The ASCII value of %  =  37
The ASCII value of &  =  38
The ASCII value of '  =  39
The ASCII value of (  =  40
The ASCII value of )  =  41
The ASCII value of *  =  42
The ASCII value of +  =  43
The ASCII value of ,  =  44
The ASCII value of -  =  45
The ASCII value of .  =  46
The ASCII value of /  =  47
The ASCII value of 0  =  48
The ASCII value of 1  =  49
The ASCII value of 2  =  50
The ASCII value of 3  =  51
The ASCII value of 4  =  52
The ASCII value of 5  =  53
The ASCII value of 6  =  54
The ASCII value of 7  =  55
The ASCII value of 8  =  56
The ASCII value of 9  =  57
The ASCII value of :  =  58
The ASCII value of ;  =  59
The ASCII value of <  =  60
The ASCII value of =  =  61
The ASCII value of >  =  62
The ASCII value of ?  =  63
The ASCII value of @  =  64
The ASCII value of A  =  65
The ASCII value of B  =  66
The ASCII value of C  =  67
The ASCII value of D  =  68
The ASCII value of E  =  69
The ASCII value of F  =  70
The ASCII value of G  =  71
The ASCII value of H  =  72
The ASCII value of I  =  73
The ASCII value of J  =  74
The ASCII value of K  =  75
The ASCII value of L  =  76
The ASCII value of M  =  77
The ASCII value of N  =  78
The ASCII value of O  =  79
The ASCII value of P  =  80
The ASCII value of Q  =  81
The ASCII value of R  =  82
The ASCII value of S  =  83
The ASCII value of T  =  84
The ASCII value of U  =  85
The ASCII value of V  =  86
The ASCII value of W  =  87
The ASCII value of X  =  88
The ASCII value of Y  =  89
The ASCII value of Z  =  90
The ASCII value of [  =  91
The ASCII value of \  =  92
The ASCII value of ]  =  93
The ASCII value of ^  =  94
The ASCII value of _  =  95
The ASCII value of `  =  96
The ASCII value of a  =  97
The ASCII value of b  =  98
The ASCII value of c  =  99
The ASCII value of d  =  100
The ASCII value of e  =  101
The ASCII value of f  =  102
The ASCII value of g  =  103
The ASCII value of h  =  104
The ASCII value of i  =  105
The ASCII value of j  =  106
The ASCII value of k  =  107
The ASCII value of l  =  108
The ASCII value of m  =  109
The ASCII value of n  =  110
The ASCII value of o  =  111
The ASCII value of p  =  112
The ASCII value of q  =  113
The ASCII value of r  =  114
The ASCII value of s  =  115
The ASCII value of t  =  116
The ASCII value of u  =  117
The ASCII value of v  =  118
The ASCII value of w  =  119
The ASCII value of x  =  120
The ASCII value of y  =  121
The ASCII value of z  =  122
The ASCII value of {  =  123
The ASCII value of |  =  124
The ASCII value of }  =  125
The ASCII value of ~  =  126
The ASCII value of   =  127
The ASCII value of €  =  128
The ASCII value of   =  129
The ASCII value of ‚  =  130
The ASCII value of ƒ  =  131
The ASCII value of „  =  132
The ASCII value of …  =  133
The ASCII value of †  =  134
The ASCII value of ‡  =  135
The ASCII value of ˆ  =  136
The ASCII value of ‰  =  137
The ASCII value of Š  =  138
The ASCII value of ‹  =  139
The ASCII value of Π =  140
The ASCII value of   =  141
The ASCII value of Ž  =  142
The ASCII value of   =  143
The ASCII value of   =  144
The ASCII value of ‘  =  145
The ASCII value of ’  =  146
The ASCII value of “  =  147
The ASCII value of ”  =  148
The ASCII value of •  =  149
The ASCII value of –  =  150
The ASCII value of —  =  151
The ASCII value of ˜  =  152
The ASCII value of ™  =  153
The ASCII value of š  =  154
The ASCII value of ›  =  155
The ASCII value of œ  =  156
The ASCII value of   =  157
The ASCII value of ž  =  158
The ASCII value of Ÿ  =  159
The ASCII value of    =  160
The ASCII value of ¡  =  161
The ASCII value of ¢  =  162
The ASCII value of £  =  163
The ASCII value of ¤  =  164
The ASCII value of ¥  =  165
The ASCII value of ¦  =  166
The ASCII value of §  =  167
The ASCII value of ¨  =  168
The ASCII value of ©  =  169
The ASCII value of ª  =  170
The ASCII value of «  =  171
The ASCII value of ¬  =  172
The ASCII value of ­  =  173
The ASCII value of ®  =  174
The ASCII value of ¯  =  175
The ASCII value of °  =  176
The ASCII value of ±  =  177
The ASCII value of ²  =  178
The ASCII value of ³  =  179
The ASCII value of ´  =  180
The ASCII value of µ  =  181
The ASCII value of ¶  =  182
The ASCII value of ·  =  183
The ASCII value of ¸  =  184
The ASCII value of ¹  =  185
The ASCII value of º  =  186
The ASCII value of »  =  187
The ASCII value of ¼  =  188
The ASCII value of ½  =  189
The ASCII value of ¾  =  190
The ASCII value of ¿  =  191
The ASCII value of À  =  192
The ASCII value of Á  =  193
The ASCII value of   =  194
The ASCII value of à =  195
The ASCII value of Ä  =  196
The ASCII value of Å  =  197
The ASCII value of Æ  =  198
The ASCII value of Ç  =  199
The ASCII value of È  =  200
The ASCII value of É  =  201
The ASCII value of Ê  =  202
The ASCII value of Ë  =  203
The ASCII value of Ì  =  204
The ASCII value of Í  =  205
The ASCII value of Î  =  206
The ASCII value of Ï  =  207
The ASCII value of Ð  =  208
The ASCII value of Ñ  =  209
The ASCII value of Ò  =  210
The ASCII value of Ó  =  211
The ASCII value of Ô  =  212
The ASCII value of Õ  =  213
The ASCII value of Ö  =  214
The ASCII value of ×  =  215
The ASCII value of Ø  =  216
The ASCII value of Ù  =  217
The ASCII value of Ú  =  218
The ASCII value of Û  =  219
The ASCII value of Ü  =  220
The ASCII value of Ý  =  221
The ASCII value of Þ  =  222
The ASCII value of ß  =  223
The ASCII value of à  =  224
The ASCII value of á  =  225
The ASCII value of â  =  226
The ASCII value of ã  =  227
The ASCII value of ä  =  228
The ASCII value of å  =  229
The ASCII value of æ  =  230
The ASCII value of ç  =  231
The ASCII value of è  =  232
The ASCII value of é  =  233
The ASCII value of ê  =  234
The ASCII value of ë  =  235
The ASCII value of ì  =  236
The ASCII value of í  =  237
The ASCII value of î  =  238
The ASCII value of ï  =  239
The ASCII value of ð  =  240
The ASCII value of ñ  =  241
The ASCII value of ò  =  242
The ASCII value of ó  =  243
The ASCII value of ô  =  244
The ASCII value of õ  =  245
The ASCII value of ö  =  246
The ASCII value of ÷  =  247
The ASCII value of ø  =  248
The ASCII value of ù  =  249
The ASCII value of ú  =  250
The ASCII value of û  =  251
The ASCII value of ü  =  252
The ASCII value of ý  =  253
The ASCII value of þ  =  254
The ASCII value of ÿ  =  255

To print the ASCII value of all the alphabets (A to Z), we can set the values in the loop and print them.

public class AsciiValueAtoZ  
public static void main(String[] args)   
for(int i = 65; i <= 90; i++)  
System.out.println(" The ASCII value of " + (char)i + "  =  " + i);  


The ASCII value of A  =  65
The ASCII value of B  =  66
The ASCII value of C  =  67
The ASCII value of D  =  68
The ASCII value of E  =  69
The ASCII value of F  =  70
The ASCII value of G  =  71
The ASCII value of H  =  72
The ASCII value of I  =  73
The ASCII value of J  =  74
The ASCII value of K  =  75
The ASCII value of L  =  76
The ASCII value of M  =  77
The ASCII value of N  =  78
The ASCII value of O  =  79
The ASCII value of P  =  80
The ASCII value of Q  =  81
The ASCII value of R  =  82
The ASCII value of S  =  83
The ASCII value of T  =  84
The ASCII value of U  =  85
The ASCII value of V  =  86
The ASCII value of W  =  87
The ASCII value of X  =  88
The ASCII value of Y  =  89
The ASCII value of Z  =  90

Similarly, we can print the ASCII value of lowercase alphabets (a to z) by modifying the loop in the above code.

for(int i = 97; i <= 122; i++)

We hope that this article has provided valuable insights into printing ASCII values in Java. For further knowledge, we recommend following