ATM Program in Java

In Java, we can create an ATM program to simulate ATM transactions. The program presents a menu of options to the user, including withdrawing money, depositing money, checking the balance, and exiting.

To withdraw money, the program prompts the user to enter the withdrawal amount. It subtracts the amount from the total balance and displays a success message.

To deposit money, the program asks the user to enter the deposit amount. It adds the amount to the total balance and displays a success message.

To check the balance, the program simply displays the current total balance.

To exit the program, the program uses the exit(0) method, which terminates the current transaction mode and returns the user to the home page or initial screen.

//import required classes and packages   
import java.util.Scanner;  
//create ATMExample class to implement the ATM functionality  
public class ATMExample  
    //main method starts   
    public static void main(String args[] )  
        //declare and initialize balance, withdraw, and deposit  
        int balance = 100000, withdraw, deposit;  
        //create scanner class object to get choice of user  
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;  
            System.out.println("Automated Teller Machine");  
            System.out.println("Choose 1 for Withdraw");  
            System.out.println("Choose 2 for Deposit");  
            System.out.println("Choose 3 for Check Balance");  
            System.out.println("Choose 4 for EXIT");  
            System.out.print("Choose the operation you want to perform:");  
            //get choice from user  
            int choice = sc.nextInt();  
                case 1:  
        System.out.print("Enter money to be withdrawn:");  
        //get the withdrawl money from user  
        withdraw = sc.nextInt();  
        //check whether the balance is greater than or equal to the withdrawal amount  
        if(balance >= withdraw)  
            //remove the withdrawl amount from the total balance  
            balance = balance - withdraw;  
            System.out.println("Please collect your money");  
            //show custom error message   
            System.out.println("Insufficient Balance");  
                case 2:  
        System.out.print("Enter money to be deposited:");  
        //get deposite amount from te user  
        deposit = sc.nextInt();  
        //add the deposit amount to the total balanace  
        balance = balance + deposit;  
        System.out.println("Your Money has been successfully depsited");  
                case 3:  
        //displaying the total balance of the user  
        System.out.println("Balance : "+balance);  
                case 4:  
        //exit from the menu  


Automated Teller Machine
Choose 1 for Withdraw
Choose 2 for Deposit
Choose 3 for Check Balance
Choose 4 for EXIT
Choose the operation you want to perform:1
Enter money to be withdrawn:2500
Please collect your money

Automated Teller Machine
Choose 1 for Withdraw
Choose 2 for Deposit
Choose 3 for Check Balance
Choose 4 for EXIT
Choose the operation you want to perform:2
Enter money to be deposited:25
Your Money has been successfully depsited

Automated Teller Machine
Choose 1 for Withdraw
Choose 2 for Deposit
Choose 3 for Check Balance
Choose 4 for EXIT
Choose the operation you want to perform:
Balance : 97525

Automated Teller Machine
Choose 1 for Withdraw
Choose 2 for Deposit
Choose 3 for Check Balance
Choose 4 for EXIT
Choose the operation you want to perform:4

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