HTML samp Tag

HTML <samp>Tag: The HTML<samp> tag specifies sample output from a computer program. And this HTML samp tag is also phrase tag. Generally, the <samp> tag is displayed in the browsers with monotype font. (Such as Lucida console).


The samp tag supports Global and Event attributes.

Syntax: <samp> Text</samp>

Browser compatibility

The HTML samp tag is supported by Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet explorer.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<samp>Sample output of a program</samp>


Sample output from a computer program

Tags that are supported by the <code> tag

Tag Description
em Renders as emphasized text
strong Specifies the important text
code Defines a piece of computer code
samp Specifies sample output from a computer program
kbd Specifies keyboard input
var Specifies a variable