HTML Introduction

HTML Introduction

HTML stands for Hyper Text markup language. It is used for designing web pages using the markup language.  Hypertext defines the way webpages are linked together and you can move around the webpages using a special text which linked to other webpages are known as Hyperlinks. And the markup language is used to markup the plaintext using various Markup tags.

HTML is used to use and understand the scripting language used for developing website. HTML is a set of special short codes used formally known as HTML markup tags which can be embedded in text to add formatting and linking information. And all the HTML documents are saved with “.html” extension.

All the HTML code can be written in any text editor like notepad. And some of the popular HTML editors are Frontpage and Dreamweaver.

Working with HTML file

As we have already said before that they are going to save with .html extension. And this document can be viewed using web browsers like the Google Chrome, Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc., web browsers read the html files and interpret them into a visible by displaying it on the screen. HTML documents also contain the Rich text media like text, videos, graphics, audios and videos.

So, let us learn in detail regarding the tags, styles and more about the HTML language in the next topics.

HTML Basic Example:


<h1>Learn HTML Tutorial</h1>
<p>Hyper Text Markup Language</p>


Example Explanation

  1.  <html> root element of an HTML page
  2. <head> meta information of document
  3. <title>title of the document
  4. <body> element contains the visible page content
  5. <h1> big heading
  6. <p>paragraph