WPA Theory

“WPA Theory” This section covers Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) encryption, which was developed to overcome the weaknesses of WEP that made it easy to crack. The main issue with WEP is the short IV that is sent in plain text with each packet, which leads to the possibility of running out of unique IVs in an active network. When we inject packets, we may end up with multiple packets that share the same IV, which aircrack-ng can exploit with statistical attacks to determine the key stream and WEP key for the network.

In WPA, a temporary or unique key is used to encrypt each packet, making the number of data packets collected irrelevant to cracking the WPA key. WPA2 employs the same methodology as WPA, and can be cracked using the same techniques. However, WPA2 uses a different encryption algorithm called Counter-Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP).

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