Defend Against Password Cracking

To enhance password security, there are two effective strategies that users and organizations can adopt to minimize the risk of password cracking by malicious actors. These measures serve as the primary line of defense against potential security breaches.

Password Policies

Password policies serve as the primary defense against potential security breaches. These policies establish a set of rules and guidelines that encourage or compel users to create strong and secure passwords. Password policies govern all aspects of the password lifecycle, including expiration, reset periods, and authentication requirements. While some password policies offer advisory and best practices for users, others employ programming rules to ensure compliance. However, if the password policy is too complex and requires excessive time and effort from users, it may lead to user frustration. Therefore, providing clear guidelines and certainty in password policies can help reduce user frustration levels. Examples of password policy guidelines include:

  • Longer password: To enhance password security significantly, it is advisable to create longer passwords or passphrases. However, if the password is commonly found in password cracking dictionaries, it should be avoided. Similarly, longer passwords that have been compromised in the past should also be avoided to ensure maximum security.
  • Use different passwords: It is crucial to use different passwords for various accounts to enhance password security. Password policies mandate that users should create unique passwords for different accounts, and it is strongly advised not to use the same password for all online accounts. This applies to users working in the same department or utilizing the same equipment, as distinct passwords help minimize the risk of potential security breaches.
  • Discourage sharing: Password policies typically emphasize that passwords are personal and should not be shared with anyone. Another commonly adopted password policy is the implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA). With 2FA, users must present two forms of evidence, namely a password and a temporary code sent via email, cellphone, or other methods before accessing their accounts.
  • Personal details: When creating passwords, users are typically instructed to avoid using personal details such as pet names, hobbies, date of birth, or account numbers in order to adhere to password policy guidelines. Unfortunately, many users disregard these guidelines and use personal information when creating passwords, leaving their accounts vulnerable to hackers. If a hacker has access to a user’s personal information, they may attempt to create password combinations using that information. Therefore, it is important to implement password validation checks to ensure that users do not include basic information, such as their login credentials or name, as part of their password.
  • Adopt passphrases: It is recommended to use passphrases as a standard practice for creating passwords. Password policies now encourage users to generate passphrases instead of traditional passwords. Passphrases offer the same level of security as passwords but with the added advantage of being longer and thus more challenging to crack. For a strong passphrase, it is recommended to include a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols. Passphrases are also easier for users to remember compared to passwords.

Password Screening

The most effective way to mitigate dictionary attacks is by screening compromised passwords against a dictionary password list. This process involves collecting compromised data from the dark web and other sources, and then identifying whether the password entered by the user has been compromised. Password screening tools work by verifying the partial hash of the username, password at login, password setup, and password reset. E-commerce companies and consumer websites commonly employ password screening techniques to identify and prevent malicious actors from using previously compromised credentials.

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