HTML Lists

HTML Lists: Lists are used to specify a list of information. And the lists may contain one (or) more elements. Now in HTML, we are having three different types of HTML lists. They are as follows:

  1. Ordered list (or) Numbered List (ol)
  2. Unordered list (or) Bulleted List (ul)
  3. Description list (or) definition List ( dl)

1)HTML Ordered List (or) Numbered List

In the ordered list of HTML, the items are marked with numbers by default. And it is also known as a Numbered list. The ordered list starts with <ol> tag and the list item starts with <li> tag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML Ordered List</title>


  1. Green
  2. Lavender
  3. Orange
  4. Pink

2)HTML Unordered List (or) Bulleted List

In HTML all the items are displayed in a mixed format. And bullets are used to represent. And it was represented using <ul> tag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>HTML Ordered List</title>


  • Green
  • Lavender
  • Orange
  • Pink

3)HTML Description List (or) Definition List

HTML description is another list style, which was supported by HTML and XHTML. And it was also known as a definition list where entries are listed like a dictionary (or) encyclopedia. And this HTML definition list contains three tags.

  1. <dl> : Defines the start of the list
  2. <dt>: Defines a term
  3. <dd>: Defines the term definition


  <dd>-One of the 12 horoscope sign.</dd>  
  <dd>-One of my evening snacks</dd>  
 <dd>-It is also an one of the 12 horoscope sign.</dd>  
  <dd>-It is a multinational technology corporation.</dd>   

HTML Nested List

A list within another list is termed as a nested list. In case if you want a bullet list inside a numbered list then such type of list will be called as Nested List.


<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <title>Nested list</title>  
    <p>List of Indian States with thier capital</p>  