
The V-Model is a software development model that emphasizes the Verification and Validation process. The V-Model (Software Engineering) mandates that each phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) must be completed before the next phase begins. This model follows a sequential design process similar to the waterfall model. The testing of the software is planned concurrently with the corresponding stage of development. Hope you have got a basic idea for the question about What is SDLC V-Model. Check out more clear information about V Model in Software Engineering from the below sections.

The V-Model is also known for its emphasis on testing, as it involves planning for testing in parallel with the corresponding development stage. The V-Model provides a structured approach to testing, with the testing process proceeding in a manner that mirrors the corresponding development stage. The testing phase starts early in the development life cycle and runs parallel to the various stages of development, such as requirements gathering, design, coding, and integration. This V-Model in Software Testing approach helps ensure that the testing process is comprehensive and helps prevent defects from being carried forward into later stages of the development process.

SDLC V-Model

Phases of V Model in Software Engineering

  • Verification: The process of verification entails utilizing a static analysis method, such as a review, to assess the product development process without executing any code. Its primary objective is to evaluate whether the specified requirements have been met during the development process. In essence, verification is a critical step in ensuring that the final product is up to par with the set standards and meets the intended purpose.
  • Validation: Validation is a crucial step in the software development process that involves dynamic analysis methods, such as functional and non-functional testing, which are performed by executing code. The primary objective of validation is to assess whether the software meets the specified customer requirements and expectations upon completion of the development process. This process helps to ensure that the software is functional, reliable, and meets the intended purpose. By carrying out thorough validation, developers can identify and fix any potential issues before releasing the software to the end-users, thereby improving the user experience and minimizing the risk of software failures.

Various Phases of Verification Phase of V-model

  • Requirement Analysis – The first stage of business requirement analysis involves gaining an understanding of the customer’s perspective on the product requirements through detailed communication.
  • System Design – In the system design stage, system engineers examine the user requirements document to interpret the proposed system’s business needs. They then design a system that meets the specifications outlined in the document.
  • Architecture Design – The architecture design phase requires selecting a suitable architecture that comprehends all aspects of the proposed system. This includes creating a list of modules, outlining each module’s brief functionality, and identifying their interface relationships, dependencies, database tables, architecture diagrams, technology details, and more. Integration testing is then conducted during this phase.
  • Module Design – In the module design phase, the system is broken down into smaller modules, and the low-level design of each module is specified.
  • Coding – After the design phase is completed, the coding phase begins. A suitable programming language is chosen based on the requirements, and coding guidelines and standards are followed. The final build is optimized for better performance before being checked into the repository. The code then undergoes several code reviews to ensure its functionality and performance.

Various Phases of  Validation Phase of SDLC V-model

  • Acceptance Testing – Acceptance testing is related to the business requirement analysis and involves testing the software product in the user environment. Acceptance tests help to identify compatibility problems with different systems that are available in the user environment. They also reveal non-functional issues, such as load and performance defects, in the real user environment.
  • System Testing – System Test Plans are developed during the System Design Phase, and unlike Unit and Integration Test Plans, the client’s business team typically creates them. System testing ensures that the application developer’s expectations are met.
  • Integral Testing – In the Architectural Design Phase, Integration Test Plans are developed to verify that groups created and tested independently can coexist and communicate with each other.
  • Unit Testing – During the module design phase in the V-Model, Unit Test Plans (UTPs) are developed to identify and eliminate errors at the code or unit level. Unit testing focuses on testing the smallest independent entity, such as a program module, to ensure it can function correctly when isolated from the rest of the codes/ units.

When the SDLC V-Model is Used?

  • This model is particularly well-suited to small to medium-sized projects where requirements are clearly defined and unlikely to change.
  • The V-Model is an appropriate approach for projects with well-defined, unambiguous requirements.
  • The V-Model should be used when there are sufficient technical resources available with the necessary technical expertise to implement the project successfully.
  • This helps ensure that each stage of the model, from requirement analysis to testing, is carried out with precision and technical efficiency.

Advantages of V-Model

  • The V-Model is easy to understand, making it a simple yet effective approach to software development.
  • In this model, testing methods such as planning and test designing are completed well before the coding stage, which saves a lot of time in the development process.
  • This method of development has a higher chance of success over the waterfall model, as it ensures a higher quality of software and mitigates the risks associated with software defects.
  • By avoiding the downward flow of defects, V-Model can help catch errors and issues early in the development process.
  • The V-Model works particularly well for small-scale projects where requirements are clearly defined and easy to understand.

Disadvantages of V-Model

  • It is not well-suited for complex projects that require a more iterative or incremental approach to development.
  • The V-Model is very rigid and inflexible, making it difficult to adapt to changes in project requirements or scope.
  • Any changes made during the development process require updates to the test documents and associated project documentation, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • The V-Model does not produce early prototypes of the software, as the focus is on developing the software during the implementation stage.


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